How to fill a Dump Cart

  1. Remove 3″ fill cap and open vent cap on Black dump cart, Connect hose to tank, the clear transparent orange Rhino adapter goes on the trailer end of the connection.
  2. Pull Black valve only! And wait for the tank to empty, look down the vent hole on the dump cart to make sure you don’t overfill the cart!
  3. Once draining has ceased, close Black valve! Open the Grey valve for a few moments to flush the hose.
  4. Remove hose from trailer end to drain remaining contents still in the hose into the dump cart.
  5. Reattach hose to trailer, unattach from Black dump cart, and close dump cart 3″ fill cap and vent.
  6. Switch dump carts, you will be using the Grey dump cart now, connect hose and open vent like before.
  7. Pull Grey valve, when dump cart fills to about 1 inch from the vent hole close Grey valve, the cart is full and it’s time to switch to the second Grey dump cart.
  8. Rinse and repeat until all your tanks are empty.